It is no strange news that as of March, 2020, the coronavirus pandemic that we have come to know of as COVID-19, made a large dent on more than half of the world’s economy. The World Bank President, Mr David Malpass,in June 2020 declared that 60 million people would be pushed into extreme poverty as a result of the pandemic.
Now, even in 2021, we still get to see the ravaging side effects of the dreaded Coronavirus. Salesforce, an American cloud based software company has made some ground breaking news about continuing permanently with remote work for their staff, even after COVID. More info is available in the link below.
What does this mean for companies that are already taking on a permanent feel to the working shifts provided?
For companies still operating with the mindset that post covid a certain "normality" will return to the office environment the writing is clearly on the wall for full time remote work.
One of the quickest ways for companies to embrace and adapt to the new working environment will be to accelerate their digital strategy.
But then, what if you do not have a digital strategy and need a central place to adopt your working practices and methods?.
The answer is to implement a central platform to drive your digital strategy. It is very vital to have this so that you can have all your operational processes available in real time on a single platform.
Departments which include sales, operations, finance, human resources and inventory should all reside in the platform with controls and approvals in place to drive the company’s operating environment.
Platforms that can deliver this aspect of company operational management are Enterprise Resource Planning systems. Traditionally these were the preserve of medium to large sized companies based on the cost and complexity to implement these systems.
With the new breed of systems in the cloud, ERP space companies should look closely at Odoo ERP which offers the lowest Total Cost of Ownership for a modern cloud ERP system. Sounds great, right?
Odoo evolves yearly by adding useful features that are now core to adopting a digital operating platform to accommodate the acceleration of companies in the digital economy.
If you are not yet convinced, then you should know that Odoo is the only vendor that will upgrade your Enterprise systems to adopt new features at no additional cost to your licensing fees
For more information go to
License costs
If you come across a comparative pricing for user licenses of the software features, and user numbers you would like on the platform from a simple pricing page, please send a message to us as we are yet to find one from the other ERP vendors anywhere close to these price points for the features.
Hopefully, this has convinced you to make a move on your business and begin your journey to implement Odoo ERP software TODAY.
All photos in this article are courtesy of