Out with the Old, in with the New. The Benefit of Migrating to the Odoo ERP Platform.
2 August, 2021 by
Out with the Old, in with the New. The Benefit of Migrating to the Odoo ERP Platform.
Ese Nikori

Humans are continually trying to improve every aspect of life. The same principle applies to product and service providers. Businesses that refuse or are reluctant to upgrade get left in the dust. 

A good scenario is the exit of Blackberry phones from the mobile market. They failed to adapt, innovate and upgrade. Odoo ERP continues to adapt and innovate. It remains the best ERP platform. Odoo continually upgrades its platform for better service and user experience. Click here to read about new features in Odoo version 14

What is an ERP Migration?

The process of reorganizing, copying and moving data from your previous ERP systems to the new one is called ERP Data migration. Business owners who want to run their company most efficiently need to migrate to the Odoo platform. Click here to see a list of our cooperate clients. Even though each company has its reason for migration, there are common prerequisites.

  • Customization and possible upgrades are already exhausted

  • Outdated system 

  • The current solution does not provide avenues to consolidate data

  • The end of the support and completion of ERP system.

Preparing your Business for ERP Migration

Business that intends to migrate from one ERP to another must align the chosen software with the business process and requirements. It is pertinent for organizations to complete the following steps.

  • Project initiation. It involves the full definition of team structure, planning, risk management and control.

  • Implementation: Involves data migration, learning strategy, business modelling and technology testing

  • Closure: Transition strategy, verification, transition planning, commissioning.

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ERP Migration: Choosing a Transition Team

For this to work, you need a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals. Professionals are to be selected based on skills and experience. The team should be able to make decisions, manage communications to ensure everything runs smoothly. The most critical factor is that the team needs to meet the vital requirements and oversee all changes and requests during the ERP migration process. erpSOFTapp offers award-winning certified Odoo consultants with over 20 years of experience. Click here to see more of our qualifications. 

In with the new. Migrating to Odoo

If you are using an ERP that's isn't Odoo, you need to consider migrating to Odoo. 

Odoo apps include Inventory Management, Marketing, Point of Sale, Project Management, Sales Management, Automated Stock Update, Automated Calendar, Automated Invoicing, Leave Management, Timesheets, Reporting, Efficient Integrations, Customer Support.

Odoo integrates with a large number of systems and applications. The most popular interactions include eBay, DHL, Ups and Ogone. Odoo eCommerce is a more modern solution compared to Magento and Prestashop. 

Odoo accounting outperforms other ERPs in feature and usability. Odoo CRM is a vast improvement on other similar ERP apps.

We are the Right Firm

When it comes to ERP migration or new implementation, erpSOFTapp consultants are your best choice. We offer free business evaluation and product demo. Our skilled professionals will ensure your implementation and migration is easy, seamless and fast.

Contact us today by using the live chat on our website or request a DEMO.

Out with the Old, in with the New. The Benefit of Migrating to the Odoo ERP Platform.
Ese Nikori
2 August, 2021
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